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Support my full time MBA in St. Gallen

Das bin ich

37 Jahre
Höchste Ausbildung
University of St. Gallen

Darum brauche ich einen Bildungskredit

My name is Xiaohui Su, a Chinese living in Bern. I’m holding a swiss permit B (work permit) and I am able to speak 5 languages (Chinese/Cantonese/English/German C1 level/French). I have 8 year work experience in marketing, business development and project management in diverse industries crossing France, China and Germany, in particular 6 years focus on fintech-specifically cross-border payment.

I am pursuing St.Gallen full-time MBA to deepen my business knowledge, management skills and to enable an excellent networking, in order to take more responsibilities in the next step of my career. Before my MBA Study, you will find my past education backgrounds as follows(you are welcome to check more details from my attached CV):

2011-2013: SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France (one of top 10 Business Schools in France)

Master’s Degree of International Marketing & Business Development

2005-2009: Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, Guangzhou, China

Bachelor's Degree of Public Management

The total tuition fee for St.Gallen full-time MBA 2021 is 58,500 CHF (could check the attached offer) and living expenses for 12 months is approximately 22,000 CHF. I am honoured to receive a scholarship of 10,000 CHF from University of St.Gallen (see the attached scholarship offer).

From these expenses, I will cover 35,500 CHF by my personal savings, however I’m still short in funds to pay all the fees. Thereby, I would like to ask for a loan of 35,000 CHF to cover the remaining fee.

According to the last 5-year employment report, the average salary of an MBA alumni is between 138,000 CHF to 213,000 CHF, which will make it possible for me to close my loans after graduation. In addition, I have never missed to pay one bill in time by so far in my life, I am confident that I shall maintain the same while repaying my loans and interests (please check my swiss credit history-Betreibungsauskunft).

Thank you very much in advance for all of your support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.




Ich brauche

Erwünschter Betrag
CHF 35'000
Maximaler Zinssatz
August 2021
18 months
Beginn Rückzahlung
Februar 2023
30 months
Schulden zurückbezahlt
Juli 2025

Das ist mein Plan

University of St. Gallen
Zusätzliche Studiengebiete
September 2021
Abschluss des Studiums
März 2022
Derzeitiges Semester
Plan nach Studium

Plan A: My post-MBA goal is to join a fintech consulting firm after my graduation, as I have already connections to some firms, which have great interest in analysing Chinese payment industry. Moreover, I am a Swiss and German resident, with C1 German level (I will take C2 test at the end of 2021), these would enable me a high chance to land a job in these two countries.

Plan B: If my post-MBA plan doesn’t work, my current company will very welcome me to help them continue to cultivate their other European markets (feel free to ask me for the contact of my current employer if it would be in need).

Plan C: The worst case-plan A and B would fail, I still have support of my spouse who works in Switzerland and assets in China that I could liquidate to pay back my loan.



Auktion geschlossen

30 Gebote, CHF 35'000 of CHF 35'000 gefüllt

Berechne deinen nachhaltigen Ertrag

CHF 35'000

Investierter Betrag



Total Gebühren
Deine Rendite (netto)