× Diese Auktion ist beendet.

Accompany me through my ambitious journey.

Das bin ich

25 Jahre
Höchste Ausbildung
University of Geneva

Darum brauche ich einen Bildungskredit

Dear investors, 

I wish you a happy new year!

My name is Lyes, I am passionated about three main fields : finance, blockchain and politics.

I have been studying in University of Geneva for 5 years, I graduated with a Bachelor degree in International Relations in 2020. 
I started my Master in Political Science, majored in International Political Economy in september 2021.

The main reason that brought me on this innovative platform is that at this stage of my life I have a lot of ambitious projects in mind, but unfortunately I lack capital to concretize them. 

I am working half-time as a Junior Business Developer, but it is not enough to explore and realize my vision. These projects are related mainly to finance and blockchain in which my network and acknowledge are very important. Anyway my capacity to refund is totally not linked with these projects, I have a career plan and it's not impacted with the success condition of my personal projects.

During my repayment period, I'm supposed to have a salary between 7'000-8'500 CHF a month, according to the wage datas from the Federal Statistical Office.

We only have few momentums in life, when we need trust and people to believe in us. It is my momentum, and I really hope you will believe in me. 

I'am truly grateful for all the chances and opportunies Switzerland offered me all along my journey here, and would really love to give back a little of what it has given to me, through investing in this amazing country. 

If you want to have further informations about my projects in the future, do not hesitate to contact me! You can reach me on Linkedin


Ich brauche

Erwünschter Betrag
CHF 12'000
Maximaler Zinssatz
Februar 2023
18 months
Beginn Rückzahlung
August 2024
18 months
Schulden zurückbezahlt
Januar 2026

Das ist mein Plan

University of Geneva
Master in Political Science - International relations
Zusätzliche Studiengebiete
Master in Political Science - International relations
September 2021
Abschluss des Studiums
September 2023
Derzeitiges Semester
Plan nach Studium

I have many ambitions after my study, I might continue probably to work as a Junior Business Developer in my actualy company, but, at full-time.

Otherwise, I can look at finance jobs, as my trading experience and my political economy acknowledge are important. Or the most common paths for our graduated students are to work for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs or others federal departments, or to look at International Organizations. 85% of our master students find a job, 3 months after the end of their studies.



Auktion geschlossen

12 Gebote, CHF 12'000 of CHF 12'000 gefüllt

Berechne deinen nachhaltigen Ertrag

CHF 12'000

Investierter Betrag



Total Gebühren
Deine Rendite (netto)